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List of Quacc Settings

    # ---------------------------
    # Workflow Engine
    # ---------------------------

    WORKFLOW_ENGINE: Optional[
        Literal["covalent", "dask", "parsl", "prefect", "redun", "jobflow"]
    ] = Field(None, description=("The workflow manager to use, if any."))

    # ---------------------------
    # General Settings
    # ---------------------------

    RESULTS_DIR: Path = Field(
            Directory to permanently store I/O-based calculation results in.
            Note that this behavior may be modified by the chosen workflow engine.
    SCRATCH_DIR: Optional[Path] = Field(
            The base directory where calculations are run. If set to None, calculations will be run in a
            temporary directory within `RESULTS_DIR`. If a `Path` is supplied, calculations will
            be run in a temporary directory within `SCRATCH_DIR`. Files are always moved back
            to `RESULTS_DIR` after the calculation is complete, and the temporary directory
            in `SCRATCH_DIR` is removed.
    CREATE_UNIQUE_DIR: bool = Field(
            Whether to have a unique directory in RESULTS_DIR for each job.
            Some workflow engines have an option to do this for you already,
            in which case you should set this to False.
    GZIP_FILES: bool = Field(
        True, description="Whether generated files should be gzip'd."
    CHECK_CONVERGENCE: bool = Field(
        description="Whether to check for convergence, when implemented by a given recipe.",

    # ---------------------------
    # Data Store Settings
    # ---------------------------
    STORE: Optional[Union[dict[str, dict], Store]] = Field(
            The desired Maggma data store where calculation results will be stored. All data stores listed in
            `` are supported. If a dictionary is provided, the first key must be set
            to the desired store type. The sub-parameters are the keyword arguments accepted by the Store.
            An example is shown below:

                database: my_db
                collection_name: my_collection
                username: my_username
                password: my_password
                host: localhost
                port: 27017

    # ---------------------------
    # Prefect Settings
    # ---------------------------
    PREFECT_AUTO_SUBMIT: bool = Field(
        True, description="Whether to auto-submit tasks to the task runner."
        description="Whether to resolve all futures in flow results to data and fail if not possible",

    # ---------------------------
    # ORCA Settings
    # ---------------------------
    ORCA_CMD: str = Field(
        which("orca") or "orca",
            Path to the ORCA executable. This must be the full, absolute path
            for parallel calculations to work.

    # ---------------------------
    # MRCC Settings
    # ---------------------------
    MRCC_CMD: str = Field(
            Path to the MRCC executable.

    # ---------------------------
    # ESPRESSO Settings
    # ---------------------------
    ESPRESSO_BIN_DIR: Path = Field(
        Path(), description="Base path to the espresso binaries."
    ESPRESSO_BINARIES: dict[str, str] = Field(
            "pw": "pw.x",
            "ph": "ph.x",
            "neb": "neb.x",
            "q2r": "q2r.x",
            "dos": "dos.x",
            "matdyn": "matdyn.x",
            "dynmat": "dynmat.x",
            "bands": "bands.x",
            "projwfc": "projwfc.x",
            "pp": "pp.x",
            "wannier90": "wannier90.x",
            "fs": "fs.x",
            "postahc": "postahc.x",
            "dvscf_q2r": "dvscf_q2r.x",
        description="Name for each espresso binary.",
    ESPRESSO_PARALLEL_CMD: Union[str, tuple[str, str]] = Field(
            Parallelization flags to run Espresso. The 0th index of the tuple
            contains any commands that come before the binary, and the 1st index
            contains any commands that come after the binary.

            For example: ["mpirun -np 4", "-nk 2"] would be the same as running
            Espresso via `"mpirun -np 4 {binary} -nk 2"` where {binary} is the
            binary that is automatically determined based on the job type,

            If only a `str` is provided, no post-binary commands will be used.
    ESPRESSO_PSEUDO: Optional[Path] = Field(
        None, description=("Path to a pseudopotential library for espresso.")
    ESPRESSO_PRESET_DIR: Path = Field(
        Path(__file__).parent / "calculators" / "espresso" / "presets",
        description="Path to the espresso preset directory",

    # ---------------------------
    # Gaussian Settings
    # ---------------------------
    GAUSSIAN_CMD: str = Field("g16", description=("Path to the Gaussian executable."))

    # ---------------------------
    # ONETEP Settings
    # ---------------------------
    ONETEP_CMD: str = Field(
        description=("Full ONETEP command, including parallelization flags."),
    ONETEP_PP_PATH: Path = Field(Path(), description=("Path to pseudopotentials."))

    # ---------------------------
    # GULP Settings
    # ---------------------------
    GULP_CMD: str = Field("gulp", description=("Path to the GULP executable."))
    GULP_LIB: Optional[Path] = Field(
            "Path to the GULP force field library. If not specified, the GULP_LIB environment variable will be used (if present)."

    # ---------------------------
    # VASP Settings
    # ---------------------------

    # VASP Settings: Main
    VASP_PARALLEL_CMD: str = Field(
            Parallel command to run VASP with Custodian.
            For example: `"srun -N 2 --ntasks-per-node 48"`.
            Note that this does not include the executable name.
    VASP_CMD: str = Field(
        "vasp_std", description="Command to run the standard version of VASP."
    VASP_GAMMA_CMD: str = Field(
        "vasp_gam", description="Command to run the gamma-point only version of VASP."
    VASP_PP_PATH: Optional[Path] = Field(
        description="Path to the VASP pseudopotential library. Must contain the directories `potpaw_PBE` and `potpaw` for PBE and LDA pseudopotentials, respectively. If ASE's VASP_PP_PATH is set, you do not need to set this.",
    VASP_VDW: Optional[Path] = Field(
        description="Path to the folder containing the vdw_kernel.bindat file for VASP vdW functionals. If ASE's ASE_VASP_VDW is set, you do not need to set this.",

    # VASP Settings: General
    VASP_INCAR_COPILOT: Literal["off", "on", "aggressive"] = Field(
            Controls VASP co-pilot mode for automated INCAR parameter handling.
            off: Do not use co-pilot mode. INCAR parameters will be unmodified.
            on: Use co-pilot mode. This will only modify INCAR flags not already set by the user.
            aggressive: Use co-pilot mode in aggressive mode. This will modify INCAR flags even if they are already set by the user.
    VASP_BADER: bool = Field(
            Whether to run a Bader analysis when summarizing VASP results.
            Requires bader to be in PATH.
    VASP_CHARGEMOL: bool = Field(
            Whether to run a Chargemol (i.e. DDEC6, CM5) analysis when summarizing VASP results.
            Requires the Chargemol executable to be in PATH and the DDEC6_ATOMIC_DENSITIES_DIR environment variable.
    VASP_PRESET_MAG_DEFAULT: float = Field(
            Default initial magmom to use for a given element if a preset
            with magmoms is provided but an element is missing from the list.
    VASP_MAG_CUTOFF: float = Field(
            If the absolute value of all magnetic moments are below this value,
            they will be set to 0 such that a spin-unpolarized calculation will be performed.
    VASP_COPY_MAGMOMS: bool = Field(
            If True, any pre-existing atoms.get_magnetic_moments() will be set
            in atoms.set_initial_magnetic_moments().
    VASP_PRESET_DIR: Path = Field(
        Path(__file__).parent / "calculators" / "vasp" / "presets",
        description="Path to the VASP preset directory",

    # VASP Settings: Custodian
    VASP_USE_CUSTODIAN: bool = Field(
        True, description="Whether Custodian should be used to run VASP"
    VASP_CUSTODIAN_VTST: bool = Field(
            If VTST-related input swaps should be used when running Custodian.
            Requires VASP to be compiled with VTST
        5, description="Maximum errors for Custodian"
    VASP_CUSTODIAN_HANDLERS: list[str] = Field(
        description="Handlers for Custodian",
    VASP_CUSTODIAN_VALIDATORS: list[str] = Field(
        ["VasprunXMLValidator", "VaspFilesValidator"],
        description="Validators for Custodian",
    VASP_CUSTODIAN_WALL_TIME: Optional[int] = Field(
            After this many seconds, Custodian will stop running
            and ensure that VASP writes a STOPCAR

    # ---------------------------
    # Q-Chem Settings
    # ---------------------------

    # Q-Chem Settings: Main
    QCHEM_CMD: str = Field(
        "qchem", description="Command to run the standard version of Q-Chem."

    QCHEM_LOCAL_SCRATCH: Path = Field(
        Path("/tmp") if Path("/tmp").exists() else Path.cwd() / ".qchem_scratch",
        description="Compute-node local scratch directory in which Q-Chem should perform IO.",
    QCHEM_NUM_CORES: int = Field(
        psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) or 1,
        description="Number of cores to use for the Q-Chem calculation.",

    # Q-Chem Settings: Custodian
        description="Whether Custodian's error handlers should be employed for Q-Chem.",

        5, description="Maximum errors for Q-Chem Custodian."

    # NBO Settings
    QCHEM_NBO_EXE: Optional[Path] = Field(
        None, description="Full path to the NBO executable."

    # ---------------------------
    # NewtonNet Settings
    # ---------------------------
    NEWTONNET_MODEL_PATH: Union[Path, list[Path]] = Field(
        Path("best_model_state.tar"), description="Path to NewtonNet .tar model"
    NEWTONNET_CONFIG_PATH: Union[Path, list[Path]] = Field(
        Path("config.yml"), description="Path to NewtonNet YAML settings file"

    # ---------------------------
    # Logger Settings
    # ---------------------------
    LOG_FILENAME: Optional[Path] = Field(
        None, description="Path to store the log file."
    LOG_LEVEL: Optional[Literal["CRITICAL", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG"]] = (
        Field("INFO", description=("Logger level."))