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A Q-Chem calculator built on Pymatgen and Custodian functionality.


    atoms: Atoms,
    charge: int = 0,
    spin_multiplicity: int = 1,
    rem: dict | None = None,
    opt: dict[str, list[str]] | None = None,
    pcm: dict | None = None,
    solvent: dict | None = None,
    smx: dict | None = None,
    scan: dict[str, list] | None = None,
    van_der_waals: dict[str, float] | None = None,
    vdw_mode: Literal["atomic", "sequential"] = "atomic",
    plots: dict | None = None,
    nbo: dict | None = None,
    geom_opt: dict | None = None,
    cdft: list[list[dict]] | None = None,
    almo_coupling: (
        list[list[tuple[int, int]]] | None
    ) = None,
    svp: dict | None = None,
    pcm_nonels: dict | None = None,
    qchem_dict_set_params: dict[str, Any] | None = None,

Bases: FileIOCalculator

Custom Q-Chem calculator built on Pymatgen and Custodian.

that class for more information.


  • atoms (Atoms) –

    The Atoms object to be used for the calculation.

  • charge (int, default: 0 ) –

    The total charge of the molecular system.

  • spin_multiplicity (int, default: 1 ) –

    The spin multiplicity of the molecular system.

  • rem (dict | None, default: None ) –

    A dictionary of all the input parameters for the rem section of QChem input file. e.g. rem = {'method': 'rimp2', 'basis': '6-31*G++'}

  • opt (dict[str, list[str]] | None, default: None ) –

    A dictionary of opt sections, where each opt section is a key and the corresponding values are a list of strings. Strings must be formatted as instructed by the QChem manual. The different opt sections are: CONSTRAINT, FIXED, DUMMY, and CONNECT e.g. opt = {"CONSTRAINT": ["tors 2 3 4 5 25.0", "tors 2 5 7 9 80.0"], "FIXED": ["2 XY"]}

  • pcm (dict | None, default: None ) –

    A dictionary of the PCM section, defining behavior for use of the polarizable continuum model. e.g. pcm = {"theory": "cpcm", "hpoints": 194}

  • solvent (dict | None, default: None ) –

    A dictionary defining the solvent parameters used with PCM. e.g. solvent = {"dielectric": 78.39, "temperature": 298.15}

  • smx (dict | None, default: None ) –

    A dictionary defining solvent parameters used with the SMD method, a solvent method that adds short-range terms to PCM. e.g. smx =

  • scan (dict[str, list] | None, default: None ) –

    A dictionary of scan variables. Because two constraints of the same type are allowed (for instance, two torsions or two bond stretches), each TYPE of variable (stre, bend, tors) should be its own key in the dict, rather than each variable. Note that the total number of variable (sum of lengths of all lists) CANNOT be more than two. e.g. scan = {"stre": ["3 6 1.5 1.9 0.1"], "tors": ["1 2 3 4 -180 180 15"]}

  • van_der_waals (dict[str, float] | None, default: None ) –

    A dictionary of custom van der Waals radii to be used when constructing cavities for the PCM model or when computing, e.g. Mulliken charges. They keys are strs whose meaning depends on the value of vdw_mode, and the values are the custom radii in angstroms.

  • vdw_mode (Literal['atomic', 'sequential'], default: 'atomic' ) –

    Method of specifying custom van der Waals radii - 'atomic' or 'sequential'. In 'atomic' mode (default), dict keys represent the atomic number associated with each radius (e.g., 12 = carbon). In 'sequential' mode, dict keys represent the sequential position of a single specific atom in the input structure.

  • plots (dict | None, default: None ) –

    A dictionary of all the input parameters for the plots section of the QChem input file.

  • nbo (dict | None, default: None ) –

    A dictionary of all the input parameters for the nbo section of the QChem input file.

  • geom_opt (dict | None, default: None ) –

    A dictionary of input parameters for the geom_opt section of the QChem input file. This section is required when using the libopt3 geometry optimizer.

  • cdft (list[list[dict]] | None, default: None ) –

    A list of lists of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a charge constraint in the cdft section of the QChem input file. Each entry in the main list represents one state (allowing for multi-configuration calculations using constrained density functional theory - configuration interaction (CDFT-CI). Each state is represented by a list, which itself contains some number of constraints (dictionaries).

    1. For a single-state calculation with two constraints: cdft=[[ {"value": 1.0, "coefficients": [1.0], "first_atoms": [1], "last_atoms": [2], "types": [None]}, {"value": 2.0, "coefficients": [1.0, -1.0], "first_atoms": [1, 17], "last_atoms": [3, 19], "types": ["s"]} ]]

    Note that a type of None will default to a charge constraint (which can also be accessed by requesting a type of "c" or "charge".

    1. For a multi-reference calculation: cdft=[ [ {"value": 1.0, "coefficients": [1.0], "first_atoms": [1], "last_atoms": [27], "types": ["c"]}, {"value": 0.0, "coefficients": [1.0], "first_atoms": [1], "last_atoms": [27], "types": ["s"]}, ], [ {"value": 0.0, "coefficients": [1.0], "first_atoms": [1], "last_atoms": [27], "types": ["c"]}, {"value": -1.0, "coefficients": [1.0], "first_atoms": [1], "last_atoms": [27], "types": ["s"]}, ] ]
  • almo_coupling (list[list[tuple[int, int]]] | None, default: None ) –

    A list of lists of int 2-tuples used for calculations of diabatization and state coupling calculations relying on the absolutely localized molecular orbitals (ALMO) methodology. Each entry in the main list represents a single state (two states are included in an ALMO calculation). Within a single state, each 2-tuple represents the charge and spin multiplicity of a single fragment. e.g. almo=[[(1, 2), (0, 1)], [(0, 1), (1, 2)]]

  • svp (dict | None, default: None ) –

    of the Q-Chem input file, which is formatted as a FORTRAN namelist. Note that in pymatgen, these parameters are typically not set by the user, but rather are populated automatically by an InputSet.

    An example for water may look like: { "RHOISO": "0.001", "DIELST": "78.36", "NPTLEB": "1202", "ITRNGR": "2", "IROTGR": "2", "IPNRF": "1", "IDEFESR": "1", }

    See in the Q-Chem manual for more details.

  • pcm_nonels (dict | None, default: None ) –

    model, corresponding to the $pcm_nonels section of the Q-Chem input file/ Note that in pymatgen, these parameters are typically not set by the user, but rather are populated automatically by an InputSet.

    An example for water may look like: { "a": "-0.006496", "b": "0.050833", "c": "-566.7", "d": "-30.503", "gamma": "3.2", "solvrho": "0.05", "delta": 7, "gaulag_n": 40, }

    See in the Q-Chem manual for more details.

  • qchem_dict_set_params (dict[str, Any] | None, default: None ) –

    Keyword arguments to be passed to, which will generate a QCInput. If qchem_dict_set_params is specified, the resulting QCInput will be merged with the QCInput generated from the QChem calculator kwargs, with the former taking priority. Accepts all arguments that accepts, except for molecule, which will always be generated from atoms. By default, job_type, basis_set, and scf_algorithm will be pulled from the rem kwarg if not specified in qchem_dict_set_params. qchem_version will default to 6 if not specified in qchem_dict_set_params.

  • **fileiocalculator_kwargs

    Additional arguments to be passed to ase.calculators.calculator.FileIOCalculator.


  • None
Source code in quacc/calculators/qchem/
def __init__(
    atoms: Atoms,
    charge: int = 0,
    spin_multiplicity: int = 1,
    rem: dict | None = None,
    opt: dict[str, list[str]] | None = None,
    pcm: dict | None = None,
    solvent: dict | None = None,
    smx: dict | None = None,
    scan: dict[str, list] | None = None,
    van_der_waals: dict[str, float] | None = None,
    vdw_mode: Literal["atomic", "sequential"] = "atomic",
    plots: dict | None = None,
    nbo: dict | None = None,
    geom_opt: dict | None = None,
    cdft: list[list[dict]] | None = None,
    almo_coupling: list[list[tuple[int, int]]] | None = None,
    svp: dict | None = None,
    pcm_nonels: dict | None = None,
    qchem_dict_set_params: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> None:
    Initialize the Q-Chem calculator. Most of the input parameters here are used to
    create a `` object. See the documentation for
    that class for more information.

        The Atoms object to be used for the calculation.
        The total charge of the molecular system.
        The spin multiplicity of the molecular system.
        A dictionary of all the input parameters for the rem section of
        QChem input file. e.g. rem = {'method': 'rimp2', 'basis': '6-31*G++'}
        A dictionary of opt sections, where each opt section is a key and
        the corresponding values are a list of strings. Strings must be
        formatted as instructed by the QChem manual. The different opt
        sections are: CONSTRAINT, FIXED, DUMMY, and CONNECT e.g. opt =
        {"CONSTRAINT": ["tors 2 3 4 5 25.0", "tors 2 5 7 9 80.0"], "FIXED":
        ["2 XY"]}
        A dictionary of the PCM section, defining behavior for use of the
        polarizable continuum model. e.g. pcm = {"theory": "cpcm",
        "hpoints": 194}
        A dictionary defining the solvent parameters used with PCM. e.g.
        solvent = {"dielectric": 78.39, "temperature": 298.15}
        A dictionary defining solvent parameters used with the SMD method, a
        solvent method that adds short-range terms to PCM. e.g. smx =
        {"solvent": "water"}
        A dictionary of scan variables. Because two constraints of the same
        type are allowed (for instance, two torsions or two bond stretches),
        each TYPE of variable (stre, bend, tors) should be its own key in
        the dict, rather than each variable. Note that the total number of
        variable (sum of lengths of all lists) CANNOT be more than two. e.g.
        scan = {"stre": ["3 6 1.5 1.9 0.1"], "tors": ["1 2 3 4 -180 180
        A dictionary of custom van der Waals radii to be used when
        constructing cavities for the PCM model or when computing, e.g.
        Mulliken charges. They keys are strs whose meaning depends on the
        value of vdw_mode, and the values are the custom radii in angstroms.
        Method of specifying custom van der Waals radii - 'atomic' or
        'sequential'. In 'atomic' mode (default), dict keys represent the
        atomic number associated with each radius (e.g., 12 = carbon). In
        'sequential' mode, dict keys represent the sequential position of a
        single specific atom in the input structure.
        A dictionary of all the input parameters for the plots section of
        the QChem input file.
        A dictionary of all the input parameters for the nbo section of the
        QChem input file.
        A dictionary of input parameters for the geom_opt section of the
        QChem input file. This section is required when using the libopt3
        geometry optimizer.
        A list of lists of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a
        charge constraint in the cdft section of the QChem input file. Each
        entry in the main list represents one state (allowing for
        multi-configuration calculations using constrained density
        functional theory - configuration interaction (CDFT-CI). Each state
        is represented by a list, which itself contains some number of
        constraints (dictionaries).

        1. For a single-state calculation with two constraints:
            {"value": 1.0, "coefficients": [1.0], "first_atoms": [1],
            "last_atoms": [2], "types": [None]}, {"value": 2.0,
            "coefficients": [1.0, -1.0], "first_atoms": [1, 17],
            "last_atoms": [3, 19],
                "types": ["s"]}

        Note that a type of None will default to a charge constraint (which
        can also be accessed by requesting a type of "c" or "charge".

        2. For a multi-reference calculation:
                {"value": 1.0, "coefficients": [1.0], "first_atoms": [1],
                "last_atoms": [27],
                    "types": ["c"]},
                {"value": 0.0, "coefficients": [1.0], "first_atoms": [1],
                "last_atoms": [27],
                    "types": ["s"]},
            ], [
                {"value": 0.0, "coefficients": [1.0], "first_atoms": [1],
                "last_atoms": [27],
                    "types": ["c"]},
                {"value": -1.0, "coefficients": [1.0], "first_atoms": [1],
                "last_atoms": [27],
                    "types": ["s"]},
        A list of lists of int 2-tuples used for calculations of
        diabatization and state coupling calculations
        relying on the absolutely localized molecular orbitals (ALMO)
        methodology. Each entry in the main list represents a single
        state (two states are included in an ALMO calculation). Within a
        single state, each 2-tuple represents the charge and spin
        multiplicity of a single fragment.
        e.g. almo=[[(1, 2), (0, 1)], [(0, 1), (1, 2)]]
    svp: Settings for the ISOSVP solvent model, corresponding to the $svp section
        of the Q-Chem input file, which is formatted as a FORTRAN namelist. Note that in pymatgen, these
        parameters are typically not set by the user, but rather are populated automatically by an InputSet.

        An example for water may look like:
                "RHOISO": "0.001",
                "DIELST": "78.36",
                "NPTLEB": "1202",
                "ITRNGR": "2",
                "IROTGR": "2",
                "IPNRF": "1",
                "IDEFESR": "1",

        See in the Q-Chem manual for more
    pcm_nonels: Settings for the non-electrostatic part of the CMIRS solvation
        model, corresponding to the $pcm_nonels section of the Q-Chem input file/ Note that in pymatgen,
        these parameters are typically not set by the user, but rather are populated automatically by an

        An example for water may look like:
                "a": "-0.006496",
                "b": "0.050833",
                "c": "-566.7",
                "d": "-30.503",
                "gamma": "3.2",
                "solvrho": "0.05",
                "delta": 7,
                "gaulag_n": 40,

        See in the Q-Chem manual for more details.
        Keyword arguments to be passed to ``,
        which will generate a `QCInput`. If `qchem_dict_set_params` is specified,
        the resulting `QCInput` will be merged with the `QCInput` generated from
        the `QChem` calculator kwargs, with the former taking priority. Accepts
        all arguments that `` accepts, except
        for `molecule`, which will always be generated from `atoms`. By default,
        `job_type`, `basis_set`, and `scf_algorithm` will be pulled from the `rem`
        kwarg if not specified in `qchem_dict_set_params`. `qchem_version` will
        default to 6 if not specified in `qchem_dict_set_params`.
        Additional arguments to be passed to

    # Assign variables to self
    self.atoms = atoms
    self.charge = charge
    self.spin_multiplicity = spin_multiplicity
    self.rem = rem or {}
    self.opt = opt
    self.pcm = pcm
    self.solvent = solvent
    self.smx = smx
    self.scan = scan
    self.van_der_waals = van_der_waals
    self.vdw_mode = vdw_mode
    self.plots = plots
    self.nbo = nbo
    self.geom_opt = geom_opt
    self.cdft = cdft
    self.almo_coupling = almo_coupling
    self.svp = svp
    self.pcm_nonels = pcm_nonels
    self.qchem_dict_set_params = qchem_dict_set_params or {}
    self.fileiocalculator_kwargs = fileiocalculator_kwargs

    # Instantiate previous orbital coefficients
    self.prev_orbital_coeffs = None

    # Clean up parameters

    # Set default params

    # Instantiate the calculator

almo_coupling instance-attribute

almo_coupling = almo_coupling

atoms instance-attribute

atoms = atoms

cdft instance-attribute

cdft = cdft

charge instance-attribute

charge = charge

fileiocalculator_kwargs instance-attribute

fileiocalculator_kwargs = fileiocalculator_kwargs

geom_opt instance-attribute

geom_opt = geom_opt

implemented_properties class-attribute

implemented_properties: list[str] = [

nbo instance-attribute

nbo = nbo

opt instance-attribute

opt = opt

pcm instance-attribute

pcm = pcm

pcm_nonels instance-attribute

pcm_nonels = pcm_nonels

plots instance-attribute

plots = plots

prev_orbital_coeffs instance-attribute

prev_orbital_coeffs = None

qchem_dict_set_params instance-attribute

qchem_dict_set_params = qchem_dict_set_params or {}

rem instance-attribute

rem = rem or {}

results class-attribute

results: QchemResults = {}

scan instance-attribute

scan = scan

smx instance-attribute

smx = smx

solvent instance-attribute

solvent = solvent

spin_multiplicity instance-attribute

spin_multiplicity = spin_multiplicity

svp instance-attribute

svp = svp

van_der_waals instance-attribute

van_der_waals = van_der_waals

vdw_mode instance-attribute

vdw_mode = vdw_mode


_set_default_params() -> None

Store the parameters that have been passed to the Q-Chem calculator in FileIOCalculator's self.default_parameters.


  • None
Source code in quacc/calculators/qchem/
def _set_default_params(self) -> None:
    Store the parameters that have been passed to the Q-Chem calculator in
    FileIOCalculator's self.default_parameters.

    params = {
        "charge": self.charge,
        "spin_multiplicity": self.spin_multiplicity,
        "rem": self.rem,
        "opt": self.opt,
        "pcm": self.pcm,
        "solvent": self.solvent,
        "smx": self.smx,
        "scan": self.scan,
        "van_der_waals": self.van_der_waals,
        "vdw_mode": self.vdw_mode,
        "plots": self.plots,
        "nbo": self.nbo,
        "geom_opt": self.geom_opt,
        "cdft": self.cdft,
        "almo_coupling": self.almo_coupling,
        "svp": self.svp,
        "pcm_nonels": self.pcm_nonels,
        "qchem_dict_set_params": self.qchem_dict_set_params,

    self.default_parameters = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if v is not None}


execute() -> int

Execute Q-Chem.


  • int

    The return code.

Source code in quacc/calculators/qchem/
def execute(self) -> int:
    Execute Q-Chem.

        The return code.
    return 0


read_results() -> None

Read the Q-Chem output files. Update the .results and .prev_orbital_coeffs attributes.


  • None
Source code in quacc/calculators/qchem/
def read_results(self) -> None:
    Read the Q-Chem output files. Update the .results and .prev_orbital_coeffs

    results, prev_orbital_coeffs = read_qchem(
    self.results = results
    self.prev_orbital_coeffs = prev_orbital_coeffs


    atoms: Atoms,
    properties: list[str] | None = None,
    system_changes: list[str] | None = None,
) -> None

Write the Q-Chem input files.


  • atoms (Atoms) –

    The Atoms object to be used for the calculation.

  • properties (list[str] | None, default: None ) –

    List of properties to calculate.

  • system_changes (list[str] | None, default: None ) –

    List of changes to the system since last calculation.


  • None
Source code in quacc/calculators/qchem/
def write_input(
    atoms: Atoms,
    properties: list[str] | None = None,
    system_changes: list[str] | None = None,
) -> None:
    Write the Q-Chem input files.

        The Atoms object to be used for the calculation.
        List of properties to calculate.
        List of changes to the system since last calculation.

    FileIOCalculator.write_input(self, atoms, properties, system_changes)

    qc_input = make_qc_input(self, atoms)

        qc_input,, prev_orbital_coeffs=self.prev_orbital_coeffs