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This module, '', contains recipes for performing phonon calculations using the ph.x binary from Quantum ESPRESSO via the quacc library.

The recipes provided in this module are jobs and flows that can be used to perform phonon calculations in different fashion.


Bases: TypedDict

matdyn_job instance-attribute

matdyn_job: RunSchema

phonon_job instance-attribute

phonon_job: RunSchema

q2r_job instance-attribute

q2r_job: RunSchema

relax_job instance-attribute

relax_job: RunSchema


    copy_files: (
        | list[SourceDirectory]
        | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames]
        | None
    ) = None,
    prev_outdir: SourceDirectory | None = None,
    parallel_info: dict[str] | None = None,
) -> RunSchema

Function to carry out a basic dvscf_q2r calculation allowing phonon potential interpolation from coarse to fine q-point grids using Fourier interpolation. It should allow you to use all the features of the dvscf_q2r binary which does not have an official documentation.

To use this, run a on a coarse q-point grid, dvscf_q2r.x can then be used to inverse Fourier transform the phonon potentials to a real-space supercell, you can later run an additional with ldvscf_interpolation = True to Fourier transform the potentials to desired q points.

Only one card, &input:

prefix : Prepended to input/output filenames, default: 'pwscf' outdir : Directory containing input, output, and scratch files. In quacc this is always set to the current working directory. fildyn : File where the dynamical matrix is written. In quacc this should always be set to 'matdyn'. fildvscf : File where the potential variation is written. In quacc this should always be set to 'dvscf'. (character, Default: 'dvscf') wpot_dir : Directory where the w_pot binary files are written. In quacc this is always set to outdir / w_pot do_long_range : If .true., subtract the long-range part of the potential before interpolation. Requires epsilon and Born effective charge data in _ph0/prefix.phsave/tensor.xml. default: .false. do_charge_neutral : If .true., renormalize phonon potential to impose neutrality of Born effective charges. default: .false. verbosity : If 'high', write more information to stdout.


  • copy_files (SourceDirectory | list[SourceDirectory] | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames] | None, default: None ) –

    Source directory or directories to copy files from. If a SourceDirectory or a list of SourceDirectory is provided, this interface will automatically guess which files have to be copied over by looking at the binary and input_data. If a dict is provided, the mode is manual, keys are source directories and values are relative path to files or directories to copy. Glob patterns are supported.

  • prev_outdir (SourceDirectory | None, default: None ) –

    The output directory of a previous calculation. If provided, Quantum Espresso will directly read the necessary files from this directory, eliminating the need to manually copy files. The directory will be ungzipped if necessary.

  • parallel_info (dict[str] | None, default: None ) –

    Dictionary containing information about the parallelization of the calculation. See the ASE documentation for more information.

  • **calc_kwargs

    Additional keyword arguments to pass to the Espresso calculator. Set a value to quacc.Remove to remove a pre-existing key entirely. See the docstring of quacc.calculators.espresso.espresso.Espresso for more information.


Source code in quacc/recipes/espresso/
def dvscf_q2r_job(
    copy_files: (
        | list[SourceDirectory]
        | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames]
        | None
    ) = None,
    prev_outdir: SourceDirectory | None = None,
    parallel_info: dict[str] | None = None,
) -> RunSchema:
    Function to carry out a basic dvscf_q2r calculation allowing phonon potential
    interpolation from coarse to fine q-point grids using Fourier interpolation.
    It should allow you to use all the features of the dvscf_q2r binary which does
    not have an official documentation.

    To use this, run a [][] on a coarse q-point
    grid, dvscf_q2r.x can then be used to inverse Fourier transform the phonon potentials
    to a real-space supercell, you can later run an additional
    [][] with `ldvscf_interpolation = True`
    to Fourier transform the potentials to desired q points.

    Only one card, &input:

    prefix  : Prepended to input/output filenames, default: 'pwscf'
    outdir  : Directory containing input, output, and scratch files.
              In quacc this is always set to the current working directory.
    fildyn  : File where the dynamical matrix is written.
              In quacc this should always be set to 'matdyn'.
    fildvscf : File where the potential variation is written.
               In quacc this should always be set to 'dvscf'.
               (character, Default: 'dvscf')
    wpot_dir : Directory where the w_pot binary files are written.
               In quacc this is always set to outdir / w_pot
    do_long_range : If .true., subtract the long-range part of the potential
                    before interpolation. Requires epsilon and Born effective
                    charge data in _ph0/prefix.phsave/tensor.xml. default: .false.
    do_charge_neutral : If .true., renormalize phonon potential to impose
                    neutrality of Born effective charges. default: .false.
    verbosity : If 'high', write more information to stdout.

        Source directory or directories to copy files from. If a `SourceDirectory` or a
        list of `SourceDirectory` is provided, this interface will automatically guess
        which files have to be copied over by looking at the binary and `input_data`.
        If a dict is provided, the mode is manual, keys are source directories and values
        are relative path to files or directories to copy. Glob patterns are supported.
        The output directory of a previous calculation. If provided, Quantum Espresso
        will directly read the necessary files from this directory, eliminating the need
        to manually copy files. The directory will be ungzipped if necessary.
        Dictionary containing information about the parallelization of the
        calculation. See the ASE documentation for more information.
        Additional keyword arguments to pass to the Espresso calculator. Set a value to
        `quacc.Remove` to remove a pre-existing key entirely. See the docstring of
        [quacc.calculators.espresso.espresso.Espresso][] for more information.

        Dictionary of results from [quacc.schemas.ase.summarize_run][].
        See the type-hint for the data structure.
    return run_and_summarize(
        template=EspressoTemplate("dvscf_q2r", outdir=prev_outdir),
        additional_fields={"name": "dvscf_q2r Phonon"},


    atoms: Atoms,
    nblocks: int = 1,
    job_params: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    job_decorators: (
        dict[str, Callable | None] | None
    ) = None,
) -> RunSchema

This function performs grid parallelization of a ph.x calculation. Each representation of each q-point is calculated in a separate job, allowing for distributed computation across different machines and times.

The grid parallelization is a technique to make phonon calculation embarrassingly parallel. This function should return similar results to If you don't know about grid parallelization please consult the Quantum Espresso user manual and exemples.

This approach requires the data of the pw.x calculation to be copied to each job, leading to a total data size on the disk of n*m times the size of the pw.x calculation, where: - n is the number of q-points - m is the number of representations

In addition to the data produced by each ph.x calculation. This can result in large data sizes for systems with many atoms.

To mitigate this, an optional "nblocks" argument can be provided. This groups multiple representations together in a single job, reducing the data size by a factor of nblocks, but also reducing the level of parallelization. In the case of nblocks = 0, each job will contain all the representations for each q-point.

Consists of following jobs that can be modified:

  1. pw.x relaxation

  2. ph.x calculation test_run

  3. (n * m) / nblocks ph.x calculations

  4. ph.x calculation to gather data and diagonalize each dynamical matrix


  • atoms (Atoms) –

    Atoms object

  • nblocks (int, default: 1 ) –

    The number of representations to group together in a single job. This will reduce the amount of data produced by a factor of nblocks. If nblocks = 0, each job will contain all the representations for a single q-point.

  • job_params (dict[str, Any] | None, default: None ) –

    Custom parameters to pass to each Job in the Flow. This is a dictionary where the keys are the names of the jobs and the values are dictionaries of parameters.

  • job_decorators (dict[str, Callable | None] | None, default: None ) –

    Custom decorators to apply to each Job in the Flow. This is a dictionary where the keys are the names of the jobs and the values are decorators.


Source code in quacc/recipes/espresso/
def grid_phonon_flow(
    atoms: Atoms,
    nblocks: int = 1,
    job_params: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    job_decorators: dict[str, Callable | None] | None = None,
) -> RunSchema:
    This function performs grid parallelization of a ph.x calculation. Each
    representation of each q-point is calculated in a separate job, allowing for
    distributed computation across different machines and times.

    The grid parallelization is a technique to make phonon calculation embarrassingly
    parallel. This function should return similar results to
    [][]. If you don't know about
    grid parallelization please consult the Quantum Espresso user manual and

    This approach requires the data of the pw.x calculation to be copied to each job,
    leading to a total data size on the disk of n*m times the size of the pw.x calculation, where:
    - n is the number of q-points
    - m is the number of representations

    In addition to the data produced by each ph.x calculation. This can
    result in large data sizes for systems with many atoms.

    To mitigate this, an optional "nblocks" argument can be provided. This
    groups multiple representations together in a single job, reducing the
    data size by a factor of nblocks, but also reducing the level of parallelization.
    In the case of nblocks = 0, each job will contain all the representations for each q-point.

    Consists of following jobs that can be modified:

    1. pw.x relaxation
        - name: "relax_job"
        - job: [][]

    2. ph.x calculation test_run
        - name: "ph_init_job"
        - job: [][]

    3. (n * m) / nblocks ph.x calculations
        - name: "ph_job"
        - job: [][]

    4. ph.x calculation to gather data and diagonalize each dynamical matrix
        - name: "ph_recover_job"
        - job: [][]

        Atoms object
        The number of representations to group together in a single job.
        This will reduce the amount of data produced by a factor of nblocks.
        If nblocks = 0, each job will contain all the representations for a
        single q-point.
        Custom parameters to pass to each Job in the Flow. This is a dictionary where
        the keys are the names of the jobs and the values are dictionaries of parameters.
        Custom decorators to apply to each Job in the Flow. This is a dictionary where
        the keys are the names of the jobs and the values are decorators.

        Dictionary of results from [quacc.schemas.ase.summarize_run][].
        See the type-hint for the data structure.

    def _ph_recover_subflow(grid_results: list[RunSchema]) -> RunSchema:
        prev_dirs = {}
        for result in grid_results:
            prev_dirs[result["dir_name"]] = [
                Path("**", "*.xml.*"),
                Path("**", "data-file-schema.xml.*"),
                Path("**", "charge-density.*"),
                Path("**", "wfc*.*"),
                Path("**", "paw.txt.*"),
        return ph_recover_job(prev_dirs)

    def _grid_phonon_subflow(
        ph_input_data: dict | None,
        ph_init_job_results: RunSchema,
        ph_job: Job,
        nblocks: int = 1,
    ) -> list[RunSchema]:
        This functions is a subflow used in

            The input data for the phonon calculation.
            The results of the phonon 'only_init' job.
            The phonon job to be executed.
            The number of blocks for grouping representations.

            A list of results from each phonon job.
        ph_input_data = Namelist(ph_input_data)

        prev_outdir = ph_init_job_results["parameters"]["input_data"]["inputph"][

        grid_results = []
        for qnum, qdata in ph_init_job_results["results"].items():
            ph_input_data["inputph"]["start_q"] = qnum
            ph_input_data["inputph"]["last_q"] = qnum
            repr_to_do = grid_prepare_repr(qdata["representations"], nblocks)
            files_to_copy = grid_copy_files(
                ph_input_data, prev_outdir, qnum, qdata["qpoint"]
            for representation in repr_to_do:
                ph_input_data["inputph"]["start_irr"] = representation[0]
                ph_input_data["inputph"]["last_irr"] = representation[-1]
                ph_job_results = ph_job(
                    deepcopy(files_to_copy), input_data=deepcopy(ph_input_data)

        return grid_results

    default_job_params = {
        "relax_job": {
            "input_data": {
                "control": {"forc_conv_thr": 5.0e-5},
                "electrons": {"conv_thr": 1e-12},
        "ph_init_job": recursive_dict_merge(
            {"input_data": {"inputph": {"lqdir": True, "only_init": True}}},
        "ph_job": {
            "input_data": {
                "inputph": {"lqdir": True, "low_directory_check": True, "recover": True}
        "ph_recover_job": recursive_dict_merge(
            {"input_data": {"inputph": {"recover": True, "lqdir": True}}},
    pw_job, ph_init_job, ph_job, ph_recover_job = customize_funcs(
        ["relax_job", "ph_init_job", "ph_job", "ph_recover_job"],
        [relax_job, phonon_job, phonon_job, phonon_job],

    pw_job_results = pw_job(atoms)

    ph_init_job_results = ph_init_job(prev_outdir=pw_job_results["dir_name"])

    grid_results = _grid_phonon_subflow(
        job_params["ph_job"]["input_data"], ph_init_job_results, ph_job, nblocks=nblocks

    return _ph_recover_subflow(grid_results)


    copy_files: (
        | list[SourceDirectory]
        | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames]
        | None
    ) = None,
    parallel_info: dict[str] | None = None,
) -> RunSchema

Function to carry out a basic matdyn.x calculation. It should allow you to use all the features of the matdyn.x binary

This program calculates the phonon frequencies for a list of generic q vectors starting from the interatomic force constants generated from the dynamical matrices as written by DFPT phonon code through the program q2r.x


  • copy_files (SourceDirectory | list[SourceDirectory] | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames] | None, default: None ) –

    Source directory or directories to copy files from. If a SourceDirectory or a list of SourceDirectory is provided, this interface will automatically guess which files have to be copied over by looking at the binary and input_data. If a dict is provided, the mode is manual, keys are source directories and values are relative path to files or directories to copy. Glob patterns are supported.

  • parallel_info (dict[str] | None, default: None ) –

    Dictionary containing information about the parallelization of the calculation. See the ASE documentation for more information.

  • **calc_kwargs

    Additional keyword arguments to pass to the Espresso calculator. Set a value to quacc.Remove to remove a pre-existing key entirely. See the docstring of quacc.calculators.espresso.espresso.Espresso for more information.


Source code in quacc/recipes/espresso/
def matdyn_job(
    copy_files: (
        | list[SourceDirectory]
        | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames]
        | None
    ) = None,
    parallel_info: dict[str] | None = None,
) -> RunSchema:
    Function to carry out a basic `matdyn.x` calculation. It should allow you to use
    all the features of the [matdyn.x binary](

    This program calculates the phonon frequencies for a list of generic
    q vectors starting from the interatomic force constants generated
    from the dynamical matrices as written by DFPT phonon code through
    the program `q2r.x`

        Source directory or directories to copy files from. If a `SourceDirectory` or a
        list of `SourceDirectory` is provided, this interface will automatically guess
        which files have to be copied over by looking at the binary and `input_data`.
        If a dict is provided, the mode is manual, keys are source directories and values
        are relative path to files or directories to copy. Glob patterns are supported.
        Dictionary containing information about the parallelization of the
        calculation. See the ASE documentation for more information.
        Additional keyword arguments to pass to the Espresso calculator. Set a value to
        `quacc.Remove` to remove a pre-existing key entirely. See the docstring of
        [quacc.calculators.espresso.espresso.Espresso][] for more information.

        Dictionary of results from [quacc.schemas.ase.summarize_run][].
        See the type-hint for the data structure.
    return run_and_summarize(
        additional_fields={"name": "matdyn Phonon"},


    atoms: Atoms,
    job_params: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    job_decorators: (
        dict[str, Callable | None] | None
    ) = None,
) -> PhononDosSchema

Function to carry out a phonon DOS calculation. The phonon calculation is carried out on a coarse q-grid, the force constants are calculated and extrapolated to a finer q-grid, and the phonon DOS is calculated.

Consists of following jobs that can be modified:

  1. pw.x relaxation
  2. ph.x calculation
  3. q2r.x calculation
  4. matdyn.x calculation


  • atoms (Atoms) –

    Atoms object to calculate the phonon DOS.

  • job_params (dict[str, Any] | None, default: None ) –

    Custom parameters to pass to each Job in the Flow. This is a dictionary where the keys are the names of the jobs and the values are dictionaries of parameters.

  • job_decorators (dict[str, Callable | None] | None, default: None ) –

    Custom decorators to apply to each Job in the Flow. This is a dictionary where the keys are the names of the jobs and the values are decorators.


Source code in quacc/recipes/espresso/
def phonon_dos_flow(
    atoms: Atoms,
    job_params: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    job_decorators: dict[str, Callable | None] | None = None,
) -> PhononDosSchema:
    Function to carry out a phonon DOS calculation. The phonon calculation is carried
    out on a coarse q-grid, the force constants are calculated and extrapolated to a
    finer q-grid, and the phonon DOS is calculated.

    Consists of following jobs that can be modified:

    1. pw.x relaxation
        - name: "relax_job"
        - job: [][]
    2. ph.x calculation
        - name: "phonon_job"
        - job: [][]
    3. q2r.x calculation
        - name: "q2r_job"
        - job: [][]
    4. matdyn.x calculation
        - name: "matdyn_job"
        - job: [][]

        Atoms object to calculate the phonon DOS.
        Custom parameters to pass to each Job in the Flow. This is a dictionary where the keys are the names of the jobs and the values are dictionaries of parameters.
        Custom decorators to apply to each Job in the Flow. This is a dictionary where the keys are the names of the jobs and the values are decorators.

        Dictionary of results from [quacc.schemas.ase.summarize_run][].
        See the type-hint for the data structure.
    default_job_params = {
        "relax_job": {
            "input_data": {
                "control": {"forc_conv_thr": 5.0e-5},
                "electrons": {"conv_thr": 1e-12},
        "phonon_job": {
            "input_data": {
                "inputph": {
                    "tr2_ph": 1e-12,
                    "alpha_mix(1)": 0.1,
                    "verbosity": "high",
                    "ldisp": True,
                    "nq1": 4,
                    "nq2": 4,
                    "nq3": 4,
        "matdyn_job": {
            "input_data": {"input": {"dos": True, "nk1": 32, "nk2": 32, "nk3": 32}}
    pw_job, ph_job, fc_job, dos_job = customize_funcs(
        ["relax_job", "phonon_job", "q2r_job", "matdyn_job"],
        [relax_job, phonon_job, q2r_job, matdyn_job],

    pw_job_results = pw_job(atoms)
    ph_job_results = ph_job(prev_outdir=pw_job_results["dir_name"])
    fc_job_results = fc_job(copy_files=ph_job_results["dir_name"])
    dos_job_results = dos_job(copy_files=fc_job_results["dir_name"])

    return {
        "relax_job": pw_job_results,
        "phonon_job": ph_job_results,
        "q2r_job": fc_job_results,
        "matdyn_job": dos_job_results,


    copy_files: (
        | list[SourceDirectory]
        | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames]
        | None
    ) = None,
    prev_outdir: SourceDirectory | None = None,
    parallel_info: dict[str] | None = None,
    test_run: bool = False,
    use_phcg: bool = False,
) -> RunSchema

Function to carry out a basic ph.x calculation. It should allow you to use all the features of the ph.x binary

ph.x calculates the dynamical matrix at a set of q-points within the Density Functional Perturbation Theory (DFPT) framework. The dynamical matrix is used to calculate the phonon frequencies and eigenvectors. Various other properties can be calculated using other post-processing tools.


  • copy_files (SourceDirectory | list[SourceDirectory] | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames] | None, default: None ) –

    Source directory or directories to copy files from. If a SourceDirectory or a list of SourceDirectory is provided, this interface will automatically guess which files have to be copied over by looking at the binary and input_data. If a dict is provided, the mode is manual, keys are source directories and values are relative path to files or directories to copy. Glob patterns are supported.

  • prev_outdir (SourceDirectory | None, default: None ) –

    The output directory of a previous calculation. If provided, Quantum Espresso will directly read the necessary files from this directory, eliminating the need to manually copy files. The directory will be ungzipped if necessary.

  • parallel_info (dict[str] | None, default: None ) –

    Dictionary containing information about the parallelization of the calculation. See the ASE documentation for more information.

  • test_run (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, a test run is performed to check that the calculation input_data is correct or to generate some files/info if needed.

  • use_phcg (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the calculation is performed using the phcg.x code which uses a faster algorithm. It can be used only if you sample the Brillouin Zone at Gamma and you only need the phonon modes at Gamma (molecules typically). It cannot be used with spin-polarization, USPP and PAW.

  • **calc_kwargs

    Additional keyword arguments to pass to the Espresso calculator. Set a value to quacc.Remove to remove a pre-existing key entirely. See the docstring of quacc.calculators.espresso.espresso.Espresso for more information.


Source code in quacc/recipes/espresso/
def phonon_job(
    copy_files: (
        | list[SourceDirectory]
        | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames]
        | None
    ) = None,
    prev_outdir: SourceDirectory | None = None,
    parallel_info: dict[str] | None = None,
    test_run: bool = False,
    use_phcg: bool = False,
) -> RunSchema:
    Function to carry out a basic ph.x calculation. It should allow you to
    use all the features of the [ph.x binary](

    `ph.x` calculates the dynamical matrix at a set of q-points within the Density
    Functional Perturbation Theory (DFPT) framework. The dynamical matrix is used to calculate the phonon frequencies and eigenvectors. Various other properties can be
    calculated using other post-processing tools.

        Source directory or directories to copy files from. If a `SourceDirectory` or a
        list of `SourceDirectory` is provided, this interface will automatically guess
        which files have to be copied over by looking at the binary and `input_data`.
        If a dict is provided, the mode is manual, keys are source directories and values
        are relative path to files or directories to copy. Glob patterns are supported.
        The output directory of a previous calculation. If provided, Quantum Espresso
        will directly read the necessary files from this directory, eliminating the need
        to manually copy files. The directory will be ungzipped if necessary.
        Dictionary containing information about the parallelization of the
        calculation. See the ASE documentation for more information.
        If True, a test run is performed to check that the calculation input_data is correct or
        to generate some files/info if needed.
        If True, the calculation is performed using the `phcg.x` code which uses a faster algorithm.
        It can be used only if you sample the Brillouin Zone at Gamma and you only need the phonon
        modes at Gamma (molecules typically). It cannot be used with spin-polarization, USPP and PAW.
        Additional keyword arguments to pass to the Espresso calculator. Set a value to
        `quacc.Remove` to remove a pre-existing key entirely. See the docstring of
        [quacc.calculators.espresso.espresso.Espresso][] for more information.

        Dictionary of results from [quacc.schemas.ase.summarize_run][].
        See the type-hint for the data structure.
    calc_defaults = {
        "input_data": {
            "inputph": {"tr2_ph": 1e-12, "alpha_mix(1)": 0.1, "verbosity": "high"}
        "qpts": (0, 0, 0),

    binary = "phcg" if use_phcg else "ph"

    return run_and_summarize(
        template=EspressoTemplate(binary, test_run=test_run, outdir=prev_outdir),
        additional_fields={"name": f"{binary}.x Phonon"},


    copy_files: (
        | list[SourceDirectory]
        | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames]
        | None
    ) = None,
    prev_outdir: SourceDirectory | None = None,
    parallel_info: dict[str] | None = None,
) -> RunSchema

Function to carry out a basic postahc calculation. It should allow you to use all the features of the postahc.x binary

Calculate the phonon-induced electron self-energy in the full matrix form at a given temperature. This requires the results of a previous ph.x calculation with electron_phonon='ahc'

self energies calculated and printed by postahc.x

  • Total self-energy in the on-shell approximation (OSA)
  • Debye-Waller self-energy in the RIA
  • Total Fan self-energy in the OSA
  • Upper Fan self-energy
  • Lower Fan self-energy in the OSA


  • copy_files (SourceDirectory | list[SourceDirectory] | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames] | None, default: None ) –

    Source directory or directories to copy files from. If a SourceDirectory or a list of SourceDirectory is provided, this interface will automatically guess which files have to be copied over by looking at the binary and input_data. If a dict is provided, the mode is manual, keys are source directories and values are relative path to files or directories to copy. Glob patterns are supported.

  • prev_outdir (SourceDirectory | None, default: None ) –

    The output directory of a previous calculation. If provided, Quantum Espresso will directly read the necessary files from this directory, eliminating the need to manually copy files. The directory will be ungzipped if necessary.

  • parallel_info (dict[str] | None, default: None ) –

    Dictionary containing information about the parallelization of the calculation. See the ASE documentation for more information.

  • **calc_kwargs

    Additional keyword arguments to pass to the Espresso calculator. Set a value to quacc.Remove to remove a pre-existing key entirely. See the docstring of quacc.calculators.espresso.espresso.Espresso for more information.


Source code in quacc/recipes/espresso/
def postahc_job(
    copy_files: (
        | list[SourceDirectory]
        | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames]
        | None
    ) = None,
    prev_outdir: SourceDirectory | None = None,
    parallel_info: dict[str] | None = None,
) -> RunSchema:
    Function to carry out a basic postahc calculation. It should allow you to
    use all the features of the [postahc.x binary](

    Calculate the phonon-induced electron self-energy in the full matrix form
    at a given temperature. This requires the results of a previous ph.x calculation
    with `electron_phonon='ahc'`

    self energies calculated and printed by `postahc.x`

    - Total self-energy in the on-shell approximation (OSA)
    - Debye-Waller self-energy in the RIA
    - Total Fan self-energy in the OSA
    - Upper Fan self-energy
    - Lower Fan self-energy in the OSA

        Source directory or directories to copy files from. If a `SourceDirectory` or a
        list of `SourceDirectory` is provided, this interface will automatically guess
        which files have to be copied over by looking at the binary and `input_data`.
        If a dict is provided, the mode is manual, keys are source directories and values
        are relative path to files or directories to copy. Glob patterns are supported.
        The output directory of a previous calculation. If provided, Quantum Espresso
        will directly read the necessary files from this directory, eliminating the need
        to manually copy files. The directory will be ungzipped if necessary.
        Dictionary containing information about the parallelization of the
        calculation. See the ASE documentation for more information.
        Additional keyword arguments to pass to the Espresso calculator. Set a value to
        `quacc.Remove` to remove a pre-existing key entirely. See the docstring of
        [quacc.calculators.espresso.espresso.Espresso][] for more information.

        Dictionary of results from [quacc.schemas.ase.summarize_run][].
        See the type-hint for the data structure.
    return run_and_summarize(
        template=EspressoTemplate("postahc", outdir=prev_outdir),
        additional_fields={"name": "postahc Phonon"},


    copy_files: (
        | list[SourceDirectory]
        | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames]
        | None
    ) = None,
    parallel_info: dict[str] | None = None,
) -> RunSchema

Function to carry out a basic q2r.x calculation. It should allow you to use all the features of the q2r.x binary

q2r.x reads force constant matrices C(q) produced by the ph.x code for a grid of q-points and calculates the corresponding set of interatomic force constants (IFC), C(R)


  • copy_files (SourceDirectory | list[SourceDirectory] | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames] | None, default: None ) –

    Source directory or directories to copy files from. If a SourceDirectory or a list of SourceDirectory is provided, this interface will automatically guess which files have to be copied over by looking at the binary and input_data. If a dict is provided, the mode is manual, keys are source directories and values are relative path to files or directories to copy. Glob patterns are supported.

  • parallel_info (dict[str] | None, default: None ) –

    Dictionary containing information about the parallelization of the calculation. See the ASE documentation for more information.

  • **calc_kwargs

    Additional keyword arguments to pass to the Espresso calculator. Set a value to quacc.Remove to remove a pre-existing key entirely. See the docstring of quacc.calculators.espresso.espresso.Espresso for more information.


Source code in quacc/recipes/espresso/
def q2r_job(
    copy_files: (
        | list[SourceDirectory]
        | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames]
        | None
    ) = None,
    parallel_info: dict[str] | None = None,
) -> RunSchema:
    Function to carry out a basic q2r.x calculation. It should allow you to
    use all the features of the [q2r.x binary](

    `q2r.x` reads force constant matrices C(q) produced by the `ph.x` code
    for a grid of q-points and calculates the corresponding set
    of interatomic force constants (IFC), C(R)

        Source directory or directories to copy files from. If a `SourceDirectory` or a
        list of `SourceDirectory` is provided, this interface will automatically guess
        which files have to be copied over by looking at the binary and `input_data`.
        If a dict is provided, the mode is manual, keys are source directories and values
        are relative path to files or directories to copy. Glob patterns are supported.
        Dictionary containing information about the parallelization of the
        calculation. See the ASE documentation for more information.
        Additional keyword arguments to pass to the Espresso calculator. Set a value to
        `quacc.Remove` to remove a pre-existing key entirely. See the docstring of
        [quacc.calculators.espresso.espresso.Espresso][] for more information.

        Dictionary of results from [quacc.schemas.ase.summarize_run][].
        See the type-hint for the data structure.
    return run_and_summarize(
        additional_fields={"name": "q2r.x Phonon"},