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QMOF-compatible recipes.

This set of recipes is meant to be compatible with the QMOF Database workflow. Reference:

LOGGER module-attribute

LOGGER = getLogger(__name__)


    atoms: Atoms,
    relax_cell: bool = True,
    run_prerelax: bool = True,
    copy_files: (
        | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames]
        | None
    ) = None,
) -> QMOFRelaxSchema

Relax a structure in a multi-step process for increased computational efficiency. This is all done in a single compute job. Settings are such that they are compatible with the QMOF Database.

  1. A "pre-relaxation" with BFGSLineSearch to resolve very high forces.

  2. Position relaxation with default ENCUT and coarse k-point grid.

  3. Optional: volume relaxation with coarse k-point grid.

  4. Double relaxation using production-quality settings.

  5. Static calculation.


  • atoms (Atoms) –

    Atoms object

  • relax_cell (bool, default: True ) –

    True if a volume relaxation should be performed. False if only the positions should be updated.

  • run_prerelax (bool, default: True ) –

    If True, a pre-relax will be carried out with BFGSLineSearch. Recommended if starting from hypothetical structures or materials with very high starting forces.

  • copy_files (SourceDirectory | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames] | None, default: None ) –

    Files to copy (and decompress) from source to the runtime directory.

  • **calc_kwargs

    Custom kwargs for the calculator. Set a value to None to remove a pre-existing key entirely. Applies for all jobs.


  • QMOFRelaxSchema

    Dictionary of results. See the type-hint for the data structure.

Source code in quacc/recipes/vasp/
def qmof_relax_job(
    atoms: Atoms,
    relax_cell: bool = True,
    run_prerelax: bool = True,
    copy_files: SourceDirectory | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames] | None = None,
) -> QMOFRelaxSchema:
    Relax a structure in a multi-step process for increased computational efficiency.
    This is all done in a single compute job. Settings are such that they are compatible
    with the QMOF Database.

    1. A "pre-relaxation" with BFGSLineSearch to resolve very high forces.

    2. Position relaxation with default ENCUT and coarse k-point grid.

    3. Optional: volume relaxation with coarse k-point grid.

    4. Double relaxation using production-quality settings.

    5. Static calculation.

        Atoms object
        True if a volume relaxation should be performed. False if only the
        positions should be updated.
        If True, a pre-relax will be carried out with BFGSLineSearch.
        Recommended if starting from hypothetical structures or materials with
        very high starting forces.
        Files to copy (and decompress) from source to the runtime directory.
        Custom kwargs for the calculator. Set a value to `None` to remove
        a pre-existing key entirely. Applies for all jobs.

        Dictionary of results. See the type-hint for the data structure.
    copy_files = None

    # 1. Pre-relaxation
    if run_prerelax:
        summary1 = _prerelax(atoms, **calc_kwargs)
        atoms = summary1["atoms"]
        copy_files = {summary1["dir_name"]: ["WAVECAR*"]}

    # 2. Position relaxation (loose)
    summary2 = _loose_relax_positions(atoms, copy_files=copy_files, **calc_kwargs)
    atoms = summary2["atoms"]
    copy_files = {summary2["dir_name"]: ["WAVECAR*"]}

    # 3. Optional: Volume relaxation (loose)
    if relax_cell:
        summary3 = _loose_relax_cell(atoms, copy_files=copy_files, **calc_kwargs)
        atoms = summary3["atoms"]
        copy_files = {summary3["dir_name"]: ["WAVECAR*"]}

    # 4. Double Relaxation
    # This is done for two reasons: a) because it can
    # resolve repadding issues when dV is large; b) because we can use LREAL =
    # Auto for the first relaxation and the default LREAL for the second.
    summary4 = _double_relax(
        atoms, relax_cell=relax_cell, copy_files=copy_files, **calc_kwargs
    atoms = summary4[-1]["atoms"]
    copy_files = {summary4[-1]["dir_name"]: ["WAVECAR*"]}

    # 5. Static Calculation
    summary5 = _static(atoms, copy_files=copy_files, **calc_kwargs)
    summary5["prerelax_lowacc"] = summary1 if run_prerelax else None
    summary5["position_relax_lowacc"] = summary2
    summary5["volume_relax_lowacc"] = summary3 if relax_cell else None
    summary5["double_relax"] = summary4

    return summary5