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Utility functions for dealing with Atoms.

logger module-attribute

logger = getLogger(__name__)


    atoms: Atoms, move_magmoms: bool = False
) -> Atoms

Prepares the Atoms object for a new run by stripping off the calculator and assigning a unique ID.


  • atoms (Atoms) –

    Atoms object

  • move_magmoms (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to move the magnetic moments from the calculator results to the initial magnetic moments.


  • Atoms

    Updated Atoms object.

Source code in quacc/schemas/
def prep_next_run(atoms: Atoms, move_magmoms: bool = False) -> Atoms:
    Prepares the Atoms object for a new run by stripping off the calculator and
    assigning a unique ID.

        Atoms object
        Whether to move the magnetic moments from the calculator results to the
        initial magnetic moments.

        Updated Atoms object.
    atoms = copy_atoms(atoms)

    if (
        and hasattr(atoms, "calc")
        and getattr(atoms.calc, "results", None) is not None
            atoms.calc.results.get("magmoms", [0.0] * len(atoms))

    # Clear off the calculator so we can run a new job. If we don't do this,
    # then something like atoms *= (2,2,2) still has a calculator attached,
    # which is a bit confusing.
    atoms.calc = None

    # Give the Atoms object a unique ID. This will be helpful for querying
    # later. Also store any old IDs somewhere else for future reference. Note:
    # Keep this at the end of the function so that the ID is assigned based on
    # the returned Atoms object.
    if"_id", None) is not None:
        if"_old_ids") is None:
  ["_old_ids"] = []["_old_ids"].append(["_id"])["_id"] = get_atoms_id(atoms)

    return atoms


    atoms: Atoms,
    elemental_mags_dict: dict[str, float] | None = None,
    elemental_mags_default: float = 1.0,
    copy_magmoms: bool = True,
    mag_cutoff: float | None = 0.05,
) -> Atoms

Sets the initial magnetic moments in the Atoms object.

This function deserves particular attention. The following logic is applied: - If there is a converged set of magnetic moments, those are moved to the initial magmoms if copy_magmoms is True. - If there is no converged set of magnetic moments but the user has set initial magmoms, those are simply used as is. - If there are no converged magnetic moments or initial magnetic moments, then the default magnetic moments from the preset elemental_mags_dict (if specified) are set as the initial magnetic moments. - For any of the above scenarios, if mag_cutoff is not None, the newly set initial magnetic moments are checked. If all have a magnitude below mag_cutoff, then they are all set to 0 (no spin polarization).


  • atoms (Atoms) –

    Atoms object

  • elemental_mags_dict (dict[str, float] | None, default: None ) –

    Dictionary of elemental symbols and their corresponding magnetic moments to set. If None, no default values will be used.

  • elemental_mags_default (float, default: 1.0 ) –

    Default magnetic moment on an element if no magnetic moment is specified in the elemental_mags_dict. Only used if elemental_mags_dict is not None. This kwarg is mainly a convenience so that you don't need to list every single element in the elemental_mags_dict.

  • copy_magmoms (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether to copy the magnetic moments from the converged set of magnetic moments to the initial magnetic moments.

  • mag_cutoff (float | None, default: 0.05 ) –

    Magnitude below which the magnetic moments are considered to be zero. If None, no cutoff will be applied


Source code in quacc/schemas/
def set_magmoms(
    atoms: Atoms,
    elemental_mags_dict: dict[str, float] | None = None,
    elemental_mags_default: float = 1.0,
    copy_magmoms: bool = True,
    mag_cutoff: float | None = 0.05,
) -> Atoms:  # sourcery skip
    Sets the initial magnetic moments in the Atoms object.

    This function deserves particular attention. The following logic is applied:
    - If there is a converged set of magnetic moments, those are moved to the
    initial magmoms if copy_magmoms is True.
    - If there is no converged set of magnetic moments but the user has set initial magmoms, those are simply used
    as is.
    - If there are no converged magnetic moments or initial magnetic
    moments, then the default magnetic moments from the preset
    elemental_mags_dict (if specified) are set as the initial magnetic moments.
    - For any of the above scenarios, if mag_cutoff is not None, the newly set
    initial magnetic moments are checked. If all have a magnitude below
    mag_cutoff, then they are all set to 0 (no spin polarization).

        Atoms object
        Dictionary of elemental symbols and their corresponding magnetic moments
        to set. If None, no default values will be used.
        Default magnetic moment on an element if no magnetic moment is specified
        in the elemental_mags_dict. Only used if elemental_mags_dict is not
        None. This kwarg is mainly a convenience so that you don't need to list
        every single element in the elemental_mags_dict.
        Whether to copy the magnetic moments from the converged set of magnetic
        moments to the initial magnetic moments.
        Magnitude below which the magnetic moments are considered to be zero. If
        None, no cutoff will be applied

        Atoms object
    # Handle the magnetic moments Check if a prior job was run and pull the
    # prior magmoms
    if hasattr(atoms, "calc") and getattr(atoms.calc, "results", None) is not None:
        mags = atoms.calc.results.get("magmoms", [0.0] * len(atoms))
        # Note: It is important that we set mags to 0.0 here rather than None if
        # the calculator has no magmoms because: 1) ispin=1 might be set, and 2)
        # we do not want the preset magmoms to be used.
        mags = None

    # Check if the user has set any initial magmoms
    has_initial_mags = atoms.has("initial_magmoms")

    # If there are no initial magmoms set and this is not a follow-up job, we
    # may need to add some from the preset yaml.
    if mags is None:
        if not has_initial_mags:
            # If the preset dictionary has default magmoms, set those by
            # element. If the element isn't in the magmoms dict then set it to
            # mag_default.
            if elemental_mags_dict:
                initial_mags = np.array(
                        elemental_mags_dict.get(atom.symbol, elemental_mags_default)
                        for atom in atoms
    elif copy_magmoms:

    # If all the set mags are below mag_cutoff, set them to 0
    if mag_cutoff:
        has_new_initial_mags = atoms.has("initial_magmoms")
        new_initial_mags = atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments()
        if has_new_initial_mags and np.all(np.abs(new_initial_mags) < mag_cutoff):
            atoms.set_initial_magnetic_moments([0.0] * len(atoms))

    return atoms