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Utility functions for running ASE calculators with ASE-based methods.


Bases: TypedDict

Type hint for opt_params used throughout quacc.

fmax instance-attribute

fmax: float

fn_hook instance-attribute

fn_hook: Callable | None

max_steps instance-attribute

max_steps: int

optimizer class-attribute instance-attribute

optimizer: Optimizer = BFGS

optimizer_kwargs instance-attribute

optimizer_kwargs: OptimizerKwargs | None

run_kwargs instance-attribute

run_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None

store_intermediate_results instance-attribute

store_intermediate_results: bool


Bases: TypedDict

Type hint for optimizer_kwargs in quacc.runners.ase.run_opt.

append_trajectory instance-attribute

append_trajectory: bool

restart instance-attribute

restart: Path | str | None


Bases: TypedDict

Type hint for vib_kwargs in quacc.runners.ase.run_vib.

delta instance-attribute

delta: float

indices instance-attribute

indices: list[int] | None

nfree instance-attribute

nfree: int


    atoms: Atoms,
    geom_file: str | None = None,
    copy_files: (
        | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames]
        | None
    ) = None,
    get_forces: bool = False,
) -> Atoms

Run a calculation in a scratch directory and copy the results back to the original directory. This can be useful if file I/O is slow in the working directory, so long as file transfer speeds are reasonable.

This is a wrapper around atoms.get_potential_energy(). Note: This function does not modify the atoms object in-place.


  • atoms (Atoms) –

    The Atoms object to run the calculation on.

  • geom_file (str | None, default: None ) –

    The filename of the log file that contains the output geometry, used to update the atoms object's positions and cell after a job. It is better to specify this rather than relying on ASE's atoms.get_potential_energy() function to update the positions, as this varies between codes.

  • copy_files (SourceDirectory | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames] | None, default: None ) –

    Files to copy (and decompress) from source to the runtime directory.

  • get_forces (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to use atoms.get_forces() instead of atoms.get_potential_energy().


  • Atoms

    The updated Atoms object.

Source code in quacc/runners/
def run_calc(
    atoms: Atoms,
    geom_file: str | None = None,
    copy_files: SourceDirectory | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames] | None = None,
    get_forces: bool = False,
) -> Atoms:
    Run a calculation in a scratch directory and copy the results back to the original
    directory. This can be useful if file I/O is slow in the working directory, so long
    as file transfer speeds are reasonable.

    This is a wrapper around atoms.get_potential_energy(). Note: This function
    does not modify the atoms object in-place.

        The Atoms object to run the calculation on.
        The filename of the log file that contains the output geometry, used to
        update the atoms object's positions and cell after a job. It is better
        to specify this rather than relying on ASE's
        atoms.get_potential_energy() function to update the positions, as this
        varies between codes.
        Files to copy (and decompress) from source to the runtime directory.
        Whether to use `atoms.get_forces()` instead of `atoms.get_potential_energy()`.

        The updated Atoms object.
    # Copy atoms so we don't modify it in-place
    atoms = copy_atoms(atoms)

    # Perform staging operations
    tmpdir, job_results_dir = calc_setup(atoms, copy_files=copy_files)

    # Run calculation
        if get_forces:
    except Exception as exception:
        terminate(tmpdir, exception)

    # Most ASE calculators do not update the atoms object in-place with a call
    # to .get_potential_energy(), which is important if an internal optimizer is
    # used. This section is done to ensure that the atoms object is updated to
    # the final geometry if `geom_file` is provided.
    # Note: We have to be careful to make sure we don't lose the calculator
    # object, as this contains important information such as the parameters
    # and output properties (e.g. final magnetic moments).
    if geom_file:
        atoms_new = read(zpath(tmpdir / geom_file))
        if isinstance(atoms_new, list):
            atoms_new = atoms_new[-1]

        # Make sure the atom indices didn't get updated somehow (sanity check).
        # If this happens, there is a serious problem.
        if (
            np.array_equal(atoms_new.get_atomic_numbers(), atoms.get_atomic_numbers())
            is False
            raise ValueError("Atomic numbers do not match between atoms and geom_file.")

        atoms.positions = atoms_new.positions
        atoms.cell = atoms_new.cell

    # Perform cleanup operations
    calc_cleanup(atoms, tmpdir, job_results_dir)

    return atoms


    atoms: Atoms,
    relax_cell: bool = False,
    fmax: float = 0.01,
    max_steps: int = 1000,
    optimizer: Optimizer = BFGS,
    optimizer_kwargs: OptimizerKwargs | None = None,
    store_intermediate_results: bool = False,
    fn_hook: Callable | None = None,
    run_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    copy_files: (
        | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames]
        | None
    ) = None,
) -> Optimizer

Run an ASE-based optimization in a scratch directory and copy the results back to the original directory. This can be useful if file I/O is slow in the working directory, so long as file transfer speeds are reasonable.

This is a wrapper around the optimizers in ASE. Note: This function does not modify the atoms object in-place.


  • atoms (Atoms) –

    The Atoms object to run the calculation on.

  • relax_cell (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to relax the unit cell shape and volume.

  • fmax (float, default: 0.01 ) –

    Tolerance for the force convergence (in eV/A).

  • max_steps (int, default: 1000 ) –

    Maximum number of steps to take.

  • optimizer (Optimizer, default: BFGS ) –

    Optimizer class to use.

  • optimizer_kwargs (OptimizerKwargs | None, default: None ) –

    Dictionary of kwargs for the optimizer. Takes all valid kwargs for ASE Optimizer classes. Refer to _set_sella_kwargs for Sella-related kwargs and how they are set.

  • store_intermediate_results (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to store the files generated at each intermediate step in the optimization. If enabled, they will be stored in a directory named stepN where N is the step number, starting at 0.

  • fn_hook (Callable | None, default: None ) –

    A custom function to call after each step of the optimization. The function must take the instantiated dynamics class as its only argument.

  • run_kwargs (dict[str, Any] | None, default: None ) –

    Dictionary of kwargs for the run() method of the optimizer.

  • copy_files (SourceDirectory | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames] | None, default: None ) –

    Files to copy (and decompress) from source to the runtime directory.


  • Optimizer

    The ASE Optimizer object.

Source code in quacc/runners/
def run_opt(
    atoms: Atoms,
    relax_cell: bool = False,
    fmax: float = 0.01,
    max_steps: int = 1000,
    optimizer: Optimizer = BFGS,
    optimizer_kwargs: OptimizerKwargs | None = None,
    store_intermediate_results: bool = False,
    fn_hook: Callable | None = None,
    run_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    copy_files: SourceDirectory | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames] | None = None,
) -> Optimizer:
    Run an ASE-based optimization in a scratch directory and copy the results back to
    the original directory. This can be useful if file I/O is slow in the working
    directory, so long as file transfer speeds are reasonable.

    This is a wrapper around the optimizers in ASE. Note: This function does not
    modify the atoms object in-place.

        The Atoms object to run the calculation on.
        Whether to relax the unit cell shape and volume.
        Tolerance for the force convergence (in eV/A).
        Maximum number of steps to take.
        Optimizer class to use.
        Dictionary of kwargs for the optimizer. Takes all valid kwargs for ASE
        Optimizer classes. Refer to `_set_sella_kwargs` for Sella-related
        kwargs and how they are set.
        Whether to store the files generated at each intermediate step in the
        optimization. If enabled, they will be stored in a directory named
        `stepN` where `N` is the step number, starting at 0.
        A custom function to call after each step of the optimization.
        The function must take the instantiated dynamics class as
        its only argument.
        Dictionary of kwargs for the run() method of the optimizer.
        Files to copy (and decompress) from source to the runtime directory.

        The ASE Optimizer object.
    # Copy atoms so we don't modify it in-place
    atoms = copy_atoms(atoms)

    # Perform staging operations
    tmpdir, job_results_dir = calc_setup(atoms, copy_files=copy_files)

    # Set defaults
    optimizer_kwargs = recursive_dict_merge(
            "logfile": "-" if SETTINGS.DEBUG else tmpdir / "opt.log",
            "restart": tmpdir / "opt.json",
    run_kwargs = run_kwargs or {}

    # Check if trajectory kwarg is specified
    if "trajectory" in optimizer_kwargs:
        msg = "Quacc does not support setting the `trajectory` kwarg."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # Handle optimizer kwargs
    if optimizer.__name__.startswith("SciPy"):
        optimizer_kwargs.pop("restart", None)
    elif optimizer.__name__ == "Sella":
        _set_sella_kwargs(atoms, optimizer_kwargs)
    elif optimizer.__name__ == "IRC":
        optimizer_kwargs.pop("restart", None)

    # Define the Trajectory object
    traj_file = tmpdir / "opt.traj"
    traj = Trajectory(traj_file, "w", atoms=atoms)
    optimizer_kwargs["trajectory"] = traj

    # Set volume relaxation constraints, if relevant
    if relax_cell and atoms.pbc.any():
        atoms = FrechetCellFilter(atoms)

    # Run optimization
        with traj, optimizer(atoms, **optimizer_kwargs) as dyn:
            if optimizer.__name__.startswith("SciPy"):
      , steps=max_steps, **run_kwargs)
                for i, _ in enumerate(
                    dyn.irun(fmax=fmax, steps=max_steps, **run_kwargs)
                    if store_intermediate_results:
                    if fn_hook:
    except Exception as exception:
        terminate(tmpdir, exception)

    # Store the trajectory atoms
    dyn.traj_atoms = read(traj_file, index=":")

    # Perform cleanup operations
    calc_cleanup(get_final_atoms_from_dynamics(dyn), tmpdir, job_results_dir)

    return dyn


    atoms: Atoms,
    vib_kwargs: VibKwargs | None = None,
    copy_files: (
        | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames]
        | None
    ) = None,
) -> Vibrations

Run an ASE-based vibration analysis in a scratch directory and copy the results back to the original directory. This can be useful if file I/O is slow in the working directory, so long as file transfer speeds are reasonable.

This is a wrapper around the vibrations module in ASE. Note: This function does not modify the atoms object in-place.



Source code in quacc/runners/
def run_vib(
    atoms: Atoms,
    vib_kwargs: VibKwargs | None = None,
    copy_files: SourceDirectory | dict[SourceDirectory, Filenames] | None = None,
) -> Vibrations:
    Run an ASE-based vibration analysis in a scratch directory and copy the results back
    to the original directory. This can be useful if file I/O is slow in the working
    directory, so long as file transfer speeds are reasonable.

    This is a wrapper around the vibrations module in ASE. Note: This function
    does not modify the atoms object in-place.

        The Atoms object to run the calculation on.
        Dictionary of kwargs for the [ase.vibrations.Vibrations][] class.
        Files to copy (and decompress) from source to the runtime directory.

        The updated Vibrations module
    # Copy atoms so we don't modify it in-place
    atoms = copy_atoms(atoms)

    # Set defaults
    vib_kwargs = vib_kwargs or {}

    # Perform staging operations
    tmpdir, job_results_dir = calc_setup(atoms, copy_files=copy_files)

    # Run calculation
    vib = Vibrations(atoms, name=str(tmpdir / "vib"), **vib_kwargs)
    except Exception as exception:
        terminate(tmpdir, exception)

    # Summarize run
    vib.summary(log=sys.stdout if SETTINGS.DEBUG else str(tmpdir / "vib_summary.log"))

    # Perform cleanup operations
    calc_cleanup(vib.atoms, tmpdir, job_results_dir)

    return vib