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Functions to customize workflow steps.


    names: list[str] | str,
    funcs: list[Callable] | Callable,
    param_defaults: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
    param_swaps: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
    decorators: dict[str, Callable | None] | None = None,
) -> tuple[Callable, ...] | Callable

Customize a set of functions with decorators and common parameters.


  • names (list[str] | str) –

    The names of the functions to customize, in the order they should be returned.

  • funcs (list[Callable] | Callable) –

    The functions to customize, in the order they are described in names.

  • param_defaults (dict[str, dict[str, Any]] | None, default: None ) –

    Default parameters to apply to each function. The keys of this dictionary correspond to the strings in names. If the key "all" is present, it will be applied to all functions. If the value is None, no custom parameters will be applied to that function.

  • param_swaps (dict[str, dict[str, Any]] | None, default: None ) –

    User-overrides of parameters to apply to each function. The keys of this dictionary correspond to the strings in names. If the key "all" is present, it will be applied to all functions. If the value is None, no custom parameters will be applied to that function.

  • decorators (dict[str, Callable | None] | None, default: None ) –

    Custom decorators to apply to each function. The keys of this dictionary correspond to the strings in names. If the key "all" is present, it will be applied to all functions. If a value is None, no decorator will be applied that function.


  • tuple[Callable, ...] | Callable

    The customized functions, returned in the same order as provided in funcs.

Source code in quacc/wflow_tools/
def customize_funcs(
    names: list[str] | str,
    funcs: list[Callable] | Callable,
    param_defaults: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
    param_swaps: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
    decorators: dict[str, Callable | None] | None = None,
) -> tuple[Callable, ...] | Callable:
    Customize a set of functions with decorators and common parameters.

        The names of the functions to customize, in the order they should be returned.
        The functions to customize, in the order they are described in `names`.
        Default parameters to apply to each function. The keys of this dictionary correspond
        to the strings in `names`. If the key `"all"` is present, it will be applied to all
        functions. If the value is `None`, no custom parameters will be applied to that function.
        User-overrides of parameters to apply to each function. The keys of this dictionary correspond
        to the strings in `names`. If the key `"all"` is present, it will be applied to all
        functions. If the value is `None`, no custom parameters will be applied to that function.
        Custom decorators to apply to each function. The keys of this dictionary correspond
        to the strings in `names`. If the key `"all"` is present, it will be applied to all
        functions. If a value is `None`, no decorator will be applied that function.

    tuple[Callable, ...] | Callable
        The customized functions, returned in the same order as provided in `funcs`.
    parameters = recursive_dict_merge(param_defaults, param_swaps)
    decorators = decorators or {}
    updated_funcs = []

    if not isinstance(names, (list, tuple)):
        names = [names]
    if not isinstance(funcs, (list, tuple)):
        funcs = [funcs]

    if "all" in names:
        raise ValueError("Invalid function name: 'all' is a reserved name.")
    if bad_decorator_keys := [k for k in decorators if k not in names and k != "all"]:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Invalid decorator keys: {bad_decorator_keys}. Valid keys are: {names}"
    if bad_parameter_keys := [k for k in parameters if k not in names and k != "all"]:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Invalid parameter keys: {bad_parameter_keys}. Valid keys are: {names}"

    for i, func in enumerate(funcs):
        func_ = deepcopy(func)
        if decorator := decorators.get("all"):
            func_ = redecorate(func_, decorator)
        if decorator := decorators.get(names[i]):
            func_ = redecorate(func_, decorator)
        if params := parameters.get("all"):
            func_ = update_parameters(func_, params)
        if params := parameters.get(names[i]):
            func_ = update_parameters(func_, params)

    return updated_funcs[0] if len(updated_funcs) == 1 else tuple(updated_funcs)


    func: Callable, decorator: Callable | None
) -> Callable

Redecorate a pre-decorated function with a custom decorator.


  • func (Callable) –

    The pre-decorated function.

  • decorator (Callable | None) –

    The new decorator to apply. If None, the function is stripped of its decorators.


  • Callable

    The newly decorated function.

Source code in quacc/wflow_tools/
def redecorate(func: Callable, decorator: Callable | None) -> Callable:
    Redecorate a pre-decorated function with a custom decorator.

        The pre-decorated function.
        The new decorator to apply. If `None`, the function is stripped of its

        The newly decorated function.
    func = strip_decorator(func)
    return func if decorator is None else decorator(func)


strip_decorator(func: Callable) -> Callable

Strip the decorators from a function.


  • func (Callable) –

    The function to strip decorators from.


  • Callable

    The function with all decorators removed.

Source code in quacc/wflow_tools/
def strip_decorator(func: Callable) -> Callable:
    Strip the decorators from a function.

        The function to strip decorators from.

        The function with all decorators removed.
    from quacc import SETTINGS

    if SETTINGS.WORKFLOW_ENGINE == "covalent":
        from covalent._workflow.lattice import Lattice

        if hasattr(func, "electron_object"):
            func = func.electron_object.function

        if isinstance(func, Lattice):
            func = func.workflow_function.get_deserialized()

    elif SETTINGS.WORKFLOW_ENGINE == "dask":
        from dask.delayed import Delayed

        from quacc.wflow_tools.decorators import Delayed_

        if isinstance(func, Delayed_):
            func = func.func
        if isinstance(func, Delayed):
            func = func.__wrapped__
            if hasattr(func, "__wrapped__"):
                # Needed for custom `@subflow` decorator
                func = func.__wrapped__

    elif SETTINGS.WORKFLOW_ENGINE == "jobflow":
        if hasattr(func, "original"):
            func = func.original

    elif SETTINGS.WORKFLOW_ENGINE == "parsl":
        from import PythonApp

        if isinstance(func, PythonApp):
            func = func.func

    elif SETTINGS.WORKFLOW_ENGINE == "prefect":
        from prefect import Flow as PrefectFlow
        from prefect import Task

        if isinstance(func, (Task, PrefectFlow)):
            func = func.fn
        elif hasattr(func, "__wrapped__"):
            func = func.__wrapped__

    elif SETTINGS.WORKFLOW_ENGINE == "redun":
        from redun import Task

        if isinstance(func, Task):
            func = func.func

    return func


    func: Callable,
    params: dict[str, Any],
    decorator: (
        Literal["job", "flow", "subflow"] | None
    ) = "job",
) -> Callable

Update the parameters of a (potentially decorated) function.


  • func (Callable) –

    The function to update.

  • params (dict[str, Any]) –

    The parameters and associated values to update.

  • decorator (Literal['job', 'flow', 'subflow'] | None, default: 'job' ) –

    The decorator associated with func.


Source code in quacc/wflow_tools/
def update_parameters(
    func: Callable,
    params: dict[str, Any],
    decorator: Literal["job", "flow", "subflow"] | None = "job",
) -> Callable:
    Update the parameters of a (potentially decorated) function.

        The function to update.
        The parameters and associated values to update.
        The decorator associated with `func`.

        The updated function.
    from quacc import SETTINGS, flow, job, subflow

    if decorator and SETTINGS.WORKFLOW_ENGINE == "dask":
        if decorator == "job":
            decorator = job
        elif decorator == "flow":
            decorator = flow
        elif decorator == "subflow":
            decorator = subflow

        func = strip_decorator(func)
        return decorator(partial(func, **params))

    return partial(func, **params)