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Writing the Docs


Now it's time to write some documentation! This isn't very difficult, and of course you're reading some documentation right now. The documentation is written using markdown, which is the same way GitHub comments are formatted.


Check out the Markdown Guide for an overview of the basic syntax.

This template repository uses a documentation format called mkdocs, specifically a useful theme called Material for Mkdocs. This enables many wonderful goodies like the "tip" callout you see above and much more.

Adding Markdown Files

Your documentation will live in the /docs folder. You can think of each markdown (.md) file as being a specific page in the documentation, and each folder as being a related collection of pages. The markdown page you are reading right now is found at /docs/example_docs/mkdocs/, for instance. Of course, you will want to replce the /docs/example_docs folder with your own documentation.


You typically do not need to touch the /docs/ script. It is used to automatically build the documentation for your code from its docstrings.