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Saving Your Work

There are still a few more steps left, but at this point you will want to make sure to save your work!

Pushing Your Changes

Commit any changes you've made and push them to your repository

If you are using a program like GitKraken, this will involve the following steps:

  1. Save your work.
  2. Recommended: make a new branch for your work (e.g. develop)
  3. Click "Stage all changes".
  4. Add a helpful commit message.
  5. Commit the changes.
  6. Click "push".


It is advisable to make changes in a new branch rather than in main so that you can ensure your unit tests pass before the code is merged into the codebase.

Then go on GitHub to see your changes. Assuming you pushed your changes to a new branch, you'll likely see a message asking if you want to make a Pull Request to merge in your changes into the main branch.