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The calculator is quite straightforward to use. For details on each parameter, refer to the RASPA manual.

Instantiating and Running the Calculator

The calculator is applied to an Atoms object, representing the framework under investigation. To run a RASPA calculator, call the .get_potential_energy() method like so:

from import read
from raspa_ase import Raspa

atoms = read("my_framework.cif")
atoms.calc = Raspa(boxes=..., components=..., parameters=...)

Tabulated results can be found in the calc.results dictionary.

Framework Properties

Defining the Structure

The calculator is applied to an Atoms object, which is the framework to be included in your system. If you want to run a calculation without a framework (i.e. with just a box of molecules), you can use an empty Atoms object, defined as Atoms().

Defining the Framework Properties

For framework-specific properties, they should be attached to the Atoms object's .info attribute.

For instance:["HeliumVoidFraction"] = 0.149

would be equivalent to

Framework 0
    FrameworkName framework0
    HeliumVoidFraction 0.149


You never need to specify the framework number or the framework name, and the the CIF will be automatically written out for you based on the Atoms object.

Framework Charges

If you want to run a calculation with partial atomic charges on the framework, you can set the initial charges:

For instance:

atoms.set_initial_charges([1.0, 2.0])

would write out the _atom_site_charge column in the CIF as 1.0 and 2.0 for atom indices 0 and 1, respectively. It will also automatically set "UseChargesFromCIFFile" to "Yes" in the simulation.input file.

Framework Unit Cells

If you don't specify a "UnitCells" entry in, the RASPA calculator will ensure that the minimum image convention is satisfied based on your "CutOff" value. If a "CutOff" is not specified, the number of unit cells will be set based on a value of 12.0 Å for the cutoff.

Multiple Frameworks

If you need to use multiple frameworks in your simulation, you should apply the calculator to a blank Atoms object (i.e. Atoms()) and pass a list[Atoms] to the multiple_frameworks keyword argument.


The optional boxes keyword argument, of type list[dict], is a list where each entry is a given set of box parameters formatted as a dictionary.

For instance:

boxes = [
    {"BoxLengths": [30, 30, 30]},
    {"BoxLengths": [40, 40, 40], "BoxAngles": [90, 120, 120]},
calc = Raspa(boxes=boxes)

is equivalent to

Box 0
    BoxLengths 30 30 30
Box 1
    BoxLengths 40 40 40
    BoxAngles 90 120 120


You never need to specify the box number. This is determined based on the index of the box in the list.


The optional components keyword argument, of type list[dict], is a list where each entry is a given set of component parameters formatted as a dictionary.

For instance:

components = [
    {"MoleculeName": "CO2", "MoleculeDefinition": "ExampleDefinitions"},
    {"MoleculeName": "N2", "MoleculeDefinition": "ExampleDefinitions"},
calc = Raspa(components=components)

is equivalent to

Component 0 MoleculeName CO2
    MoleculeDefinition ExampleDefinitions
Component 1 MoleculeName N2
    MoleculeDefinition ExampleDefinitions


You never need to specify the component number. This is determined based on the index of the component in the list. The "MoleculeName" will also be formatted automatically for you.

Remaining Parameters

The optional parameters keyword argument, of type dict, is a dictionary of all other parameters to be passed to RASPA.

For instance:

parameters = {
    "SimulationType": "MonteCarlo",
    "NumberOfCycles": 10000,
    "NumberOfInitializationCycles": 1000,
    "Movies": True,
calc = Raspa(parameters=parameters)

is equivalent to

SimulationType MonteCarlo
NumberOfCycles 10000
NumberOfInitializationCycles 1000
Movies Yes


The parameters are case-insensitive, booleans will be converted to "Yes" or "No" as appropriate, lists will be converted to space-separated strings, and dictionaries will be converted to properly formatted key-value pairs.